Milestone 2: Admission to Student Teaching

All students pursuing an Educator Preparation Program must meet all Milestone 1 requirements to advance to Milestone 2. Specifically, all students must be admitted to Candidacy (part of Milestone 1) before applying for Student Teaching. Milestone 2 requirements are only accepted at specific times during the semester. Completion of all Milestone 2 requirements allows students to advance to Milestone 3.

*For more information on Student Teaching at UIC, please refer to the Secondary and World Languages Student Teaching Handbook.

Students are required to complete student teaching unless they already hold an active Professional Educator License (PEL) through the Illinois State Board of Education. Students with an active PEL are only required to submit passing Content Area Test scores to CTE. Contact a program representative for more information.

Student teachers in the secondary, elementary and foreign language programs may not act in the role of Cooperating Teacher. Misrepresenting yourself as such is a violation of UIC’s policy on Academic Integrity, as well as fraud. Failure to comply with this policy may result in your withdrawal from student teaching.

Milestone 2: Deadlines Heading link

Students must complete the Milestone 2 requirements by the deadline dictated by the student teaching semester.

  • Student Teaching Fall: Milestone 2 requirements due November 15 – February 15 prior to Student Teaching.
  • Student Teaching Spring: Milestone 2 requirements due March 15 – June 15 prior to Student Teaching.
  • Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education and Special Education: Milestone 2 requirements due September 1-October 1st to Student Teach in Spring.

If you are unable to complete all Milestone 2 requirements by the deadline, please contact Katie Hollerbach at



Milestone 2: Requirements Heading link

  1. Complete the CTE Student Teaching Application
  2. Complete the CPS Student Teaching Registration Process

CTE Student Teaching Applications are also evaluated based upon fulfillment of the following standards:

  1. Completed all Field Experience Hours
  2. Met major GPA and cumulative GPA requirements.
  3. Has taken/attempted the Content Test: Illinois State Board of Education Content Area Test(s)

These standards are program specific. Contact the appropriate program representative for more information. For questions about completing any milestone 2 requirements, please contact Katie Hollerbach at

CTE Student Teaching Application Heading link

Students must complete the CTE Student Teaching Application in order to student teach in any school district. Click on the link below to being CTE Student Teaching Application.

Start CTE Student Teaching Application

CPS Student Teaching Registration Process Heading link

Students must complete the CPS Student Teaching Registration Process in order to student teach within Chicago Public Schools (CPS). If a student elects to not complete the CPS Student Teaching Registration Process, they are required to complete the Opt-Out of CPS Registration process upon notification of placement.

To Complete the CPS Student Teaching Registration Process:

  1. CTE will notify eligible students via UIC email when the CPS Student Teaching Registration Process is open for the appropriate semesters of student teaching. Once students receive this notification, students begin the CPS Student Teaching Registration Process.
    1. Refer to the CPS Student Teaching Registration Guide for process details and deadlines.
  2. Within 90 days prior to student teaching, CPS will send student teachers a Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis form and a Fingerprinting Background Authorization & Release form.
    1. Print and complete each form.
    2. Take the Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis form to a medical professional that is most convenient. After the testing is completed, email the form results to CPS at
    3. Take the completed Fingerprinting Background Authorization & Release form to a conveniently located Accurate Biometrics Office. Find the office locations by visiting the Accurate Biometrics website. Please retain the receipt from Accurate Biometrics. Students will need this receipt if any questions should arise.
      1. Please note that any background check that produces a “HIT” result will be required to go before the CPS Criminal Background Review Committee. If you believe you may have a “HIT” due to an arrest, charge, or conviction, you may want to contact Student Legal Services in the Office of the Dean of Students for assistance and support.
  3. After fingerprinting is completed, Accurate Biometrics will send the fingerprints to the Illinois State Police (ISP) and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Once the fingerprints have been cleared, the ISP and the FBI will send the clearance to Accurate Biometrics. Accurate Biometrics will send the clearance to CPS. CPS will then send each student an email with an Approval Notice form attached. This will take at least two weeks to be processed.
  4. Students are required to bring a UIC ID, a State ID and the Approval Notice form to their Student Teaching Placement.

Content Area Test Heading link

All student teachers are required to take the content test prior to student teaching. This is a required component of the CTE ST application, and your application is not considered complete without an attempt.

A Content Area Test measures how well students know the subject matter they will teach. Each test contains 100-125 multiple choice questions. Meet with your program representative for test preparation resources and additional details.

Select an appropriate Content Area Test

CTE strongly encourages students to discuss content area test options with a program representative. For a complete list of all Illinois State Board of Education Content Area Tests available click here. Additionally, Secondary Education Foreign Language teacher candidates are required to take the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Email program representative, Inma Taboada, for more details.


For questions about completing any milestone 2 requirements, please contact Katie Hollerbach at